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  • • Our farming practices •

    Research for beekeeping

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    The researchers and funds devoted to research give us crucial leverage to innovate and find sustainable solutions.

    The Famille Michaud Apiculteurs company has long been aware of the challenges involved in protecting bees and beekeeping, and it created the Fondation Lune de Miel® in response. A lot of resources are invested to meet the needs of bees.

    This is why Famille Michaud Apiculteurs has chosen to partner with ITSAP, the Technical and Scientific Institute fro Beekeeping and Pollination. For example, we held a sponsorship operation with the MIEL l’Apiculteur® brand. What was the concept ?

    The search for beekeeping

    “For each kilogramme of honey sold, ten cents were donated to ITSAP. As a result, in 2019, 126,331 euros were donated to the institute to fund research to protect bees.

    ITSAP projects are also co-funded by the Fondation Lune de Miel® on a regular basis, for example:

    €14,170: for a study of the causes of fragility in bee colonies.

    €34,000: for a study on the effect of pesticides on bees’ return to the hive (the alarming results made an impact around the world).

    €20,000: for the international approval of this study.

    €27,000: for the CIRE project, whose aim is to establish eco-toxicological benchmarks for the chemical residue contained in hive wax and its toxicity to bees.

    €8,000: for methods to measure the effects of pesticides.

    These grants, in combination with the results of the MIEL l’Apiculteur® operation, added up to ITSAP financial support of nearly 230,000 euros.

    Some INRAE and CNRS laboratories, devoted to bee protection research, also received grants from the Fondation Lune de Miel®. A strong commitment in keeping with the history of independence of Famille Michaud Apiculteurs.